Champion Inspection Services

Champion Inspection Services is pleased to provide our comprehensive home inspection services to the greater Kansas City area. Recognized as Certified Professional Inspectors by InterNACHI, we follow the excellent Standards of Practice set forth by InterNACHI to offer exceptional inspection services that will satisfy the broader needs of homebuyers, sellers, and investors.

Whole Home Inspection

In our residential home inspection, we’ll perform a meticulous examination of most visible and readily accessible components of your home, including:

  • Roofing
  • Structural Components
  • Foundation & Crawlspace
  • Basement
  • Exterior (siding, doors, and windows)
  • Deck, Porch, & Patio
  • Driveway & Walkways
  • Attic, Insulation, & Ventilation
  • Interior (ceiling, floors, walls, and doors)
  • Built-in Appliances
  • Fireplace & Chimney
  • Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
  • Electrical Systems
  • Plumbing Systems
Champion Whole Home Inspection
Pre-Listing Inspection

Pre-Listing Inspection

Whether you’re a realtor or an individual seller, scheduling a Pre-Listing Inspection is a prudent measure that will help you confidently list your home and smoothly navigate the negotiating process. We’ll perform a careful inspection of your home to identify any major defects or safety concerns that could raise red flags for a potential buyer.
New Construction Inspection

New Construction Inspection

The successful construction of a home is an intensive process balanced on painstaking labor, proper materials, and cooperation between the contractors. But even the most experienced hands are prone to occasional oversights. For the benefit of your safety and the security of your investment, we recommend scheduling a New Construction Inspection as construction draws to a close. We’ll assess the property’s structure and integral components to make sure that your home’s construction is free of any significant issues.


Your initial home inspection uncovered some issues, and you’ve taken the necessary steps to request repairs. After the repairs are in place, we recommend scheduling a Re-Inspection to be sure they were performed to meet current standards. When we re-inspect your home, we’ll assess any repairs to make sure that they’ve remedied the issues and hold up to the scrutiny of current building codes.

Sewer Scope Inspections

Sewer Scope Inspections

Getting a sewer scope inspection is essential for maintaining the health and functionality of your home’s plumbing system. This inspection, conducted using a specialized camera, allows for a thorough examination of the sewer line, identifying potential issues such as blockages, leaks, tree root intrusions, or pipe damage. By detecting these problems early, you’ll avoid repair costs and prevent significant damage to your property.
Annual Warranty Inspection

Annual Warranty Inspection

An Annual Warranty Inspection, also known as an 11th Month Inspection, consists of a thorough examination of areas of your home that should still covered by the builder’s warranty. We’ll identify any deficiencies that could lead to unnecessary expenditure on the part of the homeowner. Don’t get trapped by costly repairs that should fall outside of your responsibility—be sure to schedule an Annual Warranty Inspection before the builder’s warranty on your home has expired.
Multi-Family Inspection

Multi-Family Inspection

When investing in a multi-family property, you want to be certain that there are no pressing safety concerns or mechanical deficiencies that could prove problematic for you or your tenants. It’s important to hire a professional home inspector who will provide a careful evaluation of the property to ensure that no substantial defects are present. In a Multi-Family Inspection, we’ll examine the structure of your property and most readily accessible components to keep you informed and confident about the condition of your investment.
FHA, USDA, and VA Appraisals

FHA, USDA, and VA Appraisals

Champion Inspection Services is qualified to provide housing appraisal for all three major government mortgage loan insurers. In an appraisal, we’ll assess the condition of a proposed residential property and determine if it meets the minimum standards as listed by each respective insurer.

Champion Inspection Services contracts the finest professionals in the area to provide the following services:

Radon Inspection

Radon Inspection

Forming underground from natural decomposition of rock and soil, radon can diffuse through the surface to threaten the air in our homes. Radon is radioactive and known to cause certain types of cancer—and as an odorless and invisible gas, it eludes sensory detection. When you schedule a Radon Inspection with us, we’ll set up our 48-hour radon-monitoring system in advance so our contracted professional can interpret the data and exercise the necessary measures to protect your home.
Pest Inspection

Pest Inspection

Pest infestation is a common headache for homeowners, that once established, can be expensive and difficult to control. Our Pest Inspector will investigate your property for any warning signs of wood-destroying organisms such as termites or other destructive pests. The inspector will then present to you any findings and guide you through strategies for removal and future prevention.

Secure Your Investment

By scheduling an inspection with Champion Inspection Services, you take a tremendous stride toward the security of your investment and a better understanding of your home.
Secure Your Investment